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Looking for Booking? Focus on CM365

Posted by Michael O’Carroll on 06 Dec 2021 in Company NewsProduct News

The Smart Club Cloud enables members to book and pay online for various types of events such as coaching classes, training camps, social events and any other package which clubs want to publicise and take a booking (and payment) for in advance. Coaching classes management then enables coaches to mark up attendance on their smartphone, move players to different ‘levels’ of class as they progress, and communicate with sets of players relevant to their coaching group.

Alongside this event and coaching booking, we partner with ClubManager365 (CM365) for expertise in online court booking and any other facility booking linked to a calendar. The CM365 solution offers extensive booking configuration options, as well as leagues and ladders management, and is a truly comprehensive tennis club booking built on over 10 years experience in this sector.

Last year we reported on how CM365 had added features to facilitate rules such as singles only, staggering / overlapping court time allocations, introducing gaps in the booking schedule, compulsory naming of both players in the system at the time of booking, and more. Such features enabled clubs to meet Covid-opening guidelines and return to business.

More recently, new features from CM365 have included:

* Smart Payments: Clubs using the Smart Club Cloud can setup the system so members can use their Smart balance to pay for bookings made in CM365 at the time of booking online. This is most often used for pay-per-play scenarios or when using the CM365 paid guests payments feature.
* News alerts: The latest club news headlines published on Smart Cloud are flagged within the Smart Cloud and are available to CM365 mobile app users, helping clubs to get news updates to members in a timely manner.
* GPS Check-in: Members are able to check-in against their club bookings within a certain distance from the club.
* Card & Fob Check-in: Members check-in for their booking via a simple Smart card or fob tap at a Smart Club Solutions reader. This greatly reduces the time taken to check-in and avoids the need for a dedicated check in machine. Clubs can report on attendance and apply penalty fees when applicable.
* Admin Tool Enhancements: .. including peak period management, exclusion rules, communication enhancements, sticky headers, check-in reporting and more.

You can keep an eye on all CM365 developments at

There will be plenty more news to follow in 2022!